Monday, August 12, 2019

Message from Pastor Marcus Rogers, please watch it, so you can understand some of what's written below.

Often times in churches with pastors or preachers or what have you, people doing sermons or bible studies might not dig deep enough into the meanings of the Bible, they may wildly misinterpret. This is why I will not go to a church, because everyone interprets the Bible in their own way, which is why we have many denominations and disagreements among different churches. So how do we know who’s correct? Deep logic, constant digging, and constant questioning with Jesus’ guidance alone will suffice. I watch many different, excellent people preach on TV and on youtube. Jesus helps me to discern everything.

I’m showing this to you so you will understand that when Paul says that women need to bear children in order to be saved, he means to keep them from being idlers, gossips, busybody’s where they may get snared off track by evil. There are plenty of women who have kids who are not right with God in this day and age. Even in some marriages, the married couple will watch porn together, while their kids are sleeping or away. Some men will bow down to Paul before they bow down to Jesus, turning those men into oppressors of women. Being a healthy, tuned Christian is an extreme balancing act and constant work in progress. Saddly some preachers plateau into broken record style with off track preaching's that are harmful and not quite correct, that often do more harm than good.

Paul also says that women should not teach men and that they should be silent due to Eve being deceived, which in turn domino effected Adam, bang bang, Adam was deceived too, both are to blame, male and female. My theory... the Sumerian story of Adam and Eve is about the fruit being bore from Eve's loins. Eve had sex with Lucifer of the family tree of knowledge of the fallen ones, the family tree of good and evil. Then she had sex with Adam shortly after, causing her to conceive twins, by means of two separate eggs. One egg impregnated by the sperm of Nephelim Lucifer and the other egg impregnated by Adam. Cain son of Lucifer, Abel son of Adam. Some would say no to this, yet Nephilim angels aren't suppose to be male or female, so how do they mate? I really think God made earth as a game board between Him and Satan. Both man and woman are cursed with the bloodline of Lucifer, the old serpent; therefore we are all sinners. Fruit of the Loom underwear has nothing to do with actual fruit, but family trees that bear fruit from their loins.

Everyone’s brain is primarily the same in that our functions are set, apart from environmental factors that make each person unique and or born with genetic defects. Our hormones make up minor differences between male and female. Do baby males not cry, or are they born stone cold with a wrench and hammer in their hand? Kids will see sex and or be sexually abused, they will experiment, yet that does not mean we allow them to change their hormones. Doctors want the money, that's all there is too it. GREED. No LOVE. 

I have nothing against the players, because we all sin, so let's make the best of it and be kind to each other. Judgmental Christians can be mean to women by oppressing them and mean to sexually ambiguous people, yet they say nothing about liars, thieves, aldulterers or murderers? I see it all the time from street preachers. It's a shame. 

I see street preachers at different types of rally marches who think they are holier than Thou. They make fools of themselves. Their approach is way off. The Living Waters Banana Man street preacher who hangs with Kirk Cameron, he's got the right approach.

Hermaphrodites are born with male and female body parts, not male and female characteristics. One's own personal environment determines characteristics, genetics do not determine characteristics, except in past generational DNA that may make little Billy or little Sally a genius like their dead grandpa whom they never met. Or could it be Jesus or both, probably both. Talent can be passed on through DNA. Maybe stupidity can be too, I'm not exactly sure, I doubt it. I assume DNA wants the best.

Transgender ideology says that there is a male brain and a female brain, saying that a person is born in the wrong body because their brain is opposite their genitals. The hormones that flow through the brains of males and females are slightly different, yet not so different that our brains are male or female. Hermaphrodites don't have part male brain and part female brain, they have different hormone levels, bone structures like hip bones, and sexual organs that will be defected, twisted

If I were raised by gorillas, I'd have the thought process of a gorilla. Tarzan had to be taught how to be 'human'. My dad could have raised me to be a hunter, shooter, mechanic, but I can have my menstrual period and be a mommy cause that's how GOD MADE ME. People who want to change their bodies drastically for frivolous reasons are spitting on GOD without realizing it, because they probably don't believe in God anyways. Let's pray people come to God in their desperation, rather than reach for a pill, or a plastic surgeon knife, or whatever they reach for, yet our strifes often lead us to God if we are truly blessed. If only mega churches would do mass prayer for many world subjects with their vibrations, the world would be a better place. Lazy Christians need to wake up.

We are first and foremost spirit, not genitalia. Our environment is what molds us; therefore be sure to ask with sincerity for Jesus to come into your environment, your heart, and your mind. But know this, He comes on His timing, not on your 'Veruca Salt 'want it now' timing. Trust Him. Trust God. Give it all to Him, even when you're in major traffic jams, make the most of it, try to enjoy it like a child would, as if you were camping, having fun with your precious GOD given time.

For anybody to say women are inferior to men, I say to them, you must be of the transgender ideology, thinking that there's a male brain and a female brain, saying the male brain is different then the female brain. I can only presume that any man who says men are smarter than women would usually disagree with transgender ideaology, so there's your conundrum. People screws are so loose in a big way, jeesh laweeze. I know cause I've been there myself, still am sometimes. Nobody's perfect.

Can't get people who think animals are stupid and have no spirit.

I have nothing against people who are struggling, or who are confused, or who are living in sin, because it happens to every single person to some degree. I'm not judging people, I'm only being factually scientific. Science is being manipulated through false WORDS by the patients in the mental ward and the doctors are reeling in the dough, like vultures. Chop off an 8 year olds penis by giving him female hormones, forgive his mother and pray he does not kill himself when he's a grown up. And pray he finds God in this chaos when he realizes he was manipulated as a child, when he 'de-transitions'. I'm sorry what a frickin stupid word, detransition. 

"Hmmm, I want my breasts and womb back so I can make my own babies now, can I have those back please now doctor?" What a sad mess. But I love her. Or a man who becomes a woman like Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Children's Genital Lamb Limbs Skins Chopped Off, who wants to have his own kids, but he has no penis. Sad again. But I love him. I can get angry too. It's part of the human condition.

1 Timothy 2:15 (ESV) Paul says,

15 Women, however, will be saved through childbearing, if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control.

Like I said, women don't have to have children to be saved, yet in this day and age there's a lot of Sodom and Gomorrah going round.

Galatians 3:28 (NIV)
28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

We are all one in Christ. ♥ ♥ ♥ Nor is there male or female. The brain is the brain no matter what piddly hormones we have. Let Jesus master your brain. DO NOT let your flesh and your upsets master your brain. Give it all to Jesus. He will DO IT better than any cheap ass piece of crap NIKE shoe that falls apart in a year. Dr. Martins can attest to that.

1 Timothy 4:16 Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.

1 Timothy 5: 14-15 So I counsel younger widows to marry, to have children, to manage their homes and to give the enemy no opportunity for slander. Some have in fact already turned away to follow Satan.

We are living in major Sodom and Gomorrah times, yet we cannot kick anybody when they are down. We have to lift them up non chalantly with the kind Jesus code in hopes that they will change their evil ways, even if they are in prison.  Private prisons don't give out bibles, they give out porn, because it's a business of money, not  a business of healing.

Friday, August 9, 2019

What Will Submission to My Husband Look Like?
Pastor John Piper


How Do I Know If I'm Loving My Wife Well?
Pastor John Piper

Men Love and Lead Your Wives.
Pastor John Piper

The Ultimate Meaning of True Womanhood.
Pastor John Piper

I Slept With My Girlfriend -- Now What? Pastor John Piper

Study Each Other Before Marriage -- John Piper

Is Birth Control A Sin? John Piper

Senior Man Stares At Young Woman, 
His Wife Is Heart Broken -- John Piper

The Beauty and Behavior of a Godly Woman, John Piper

I want to see the face of God everyday; this is as close as I can get to that. Besides, I like this painting when it watches me like a hawk whenever I'm in my bedroom. This picture to me is incentive. Some people will have a picture of a dead loved one that they talk to or look at for comfort. I'd rather look at this in order to keep me focused on who matters most of all, The Father, The Son, The Holy Ghost. This picture captures concern and endearment. The eyes follow you in every direction. I bought a replica painting for $5 at a second hand store in excellent condition. I LOVE IT ♥